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The Tuesday Night Club on Tour
Irish Summer Tour 2007
Click here for maps of Barrow and Suir estuaries
10 - New Ross to Carrick - On - Suir - Tidal River Barrow to Cheekpoint and Tidal River Suir.
Saturday 30th June 2007
Brian Goggin had kindly offered to come across from Limerick this morning to take some rare pictures of Earnest about on the tideway, from the land. That morning it was foul weather and we nearly
cancelled due, more to visibility that wind. But TNC are made of sterner stuff. We had previously prepared the boat, the periscope dry exhaust had been
resurrected and the diesel tank filled up. A couple of Jerry cans of white diesel were purchased from the petrol station just over the road, as it was not a bad price 1€03/l.
Brian arrived at the last minute, so after some shots of us on the pontoon, he then left again to position himself at Cheekpoint to get a picture of us going through the Barrow Bridge. Brian had previously got us
other invaluable aids, the Cheekpoint tide tables and proper
Admiralty Chart for the Barrow. This had only just come out and actually had the new Three Sisters Marina marked.
So at 11:35 we departed into a very murky river. The first thing of interest was nearly opposite us, the impounded cargo
vessel the MV Lillian. This has just been auctioned by the Irish government, so as to pay the crew's wages and other charges that were on the ship. The two main jetties still in use at New Ross are just downstream, the Raheen Jetty on the west bank and the Mashmeadows Oil Jetty on the east bank. The river certainly winds about a lot and we were glad of the proper charts, so no buoys came as surprises. Being near low water we were unlikely to meet any ships on the blind bends. A few reaches we caught some wind over tide, but certainly no worse than experienced on the Tidal Thames, Trent and Ouse.
Unfortunately at the moment when we passed under the Barrow Bridge, the railway swing bridge at the mouth of the Barrow, there was a squall of misty rain and Brian's pictures are somewhat foggy, anyway
they do show the true conditions. At around 13:20 we went under the Barrow
Bridge, some 10 minutes before low water. We carried on up the river Suir (much to John Chapman's
disappointment, we did not carry on down the Suir, to the Irish Sea!). Brian got some good shots of us starting up the Suir.
The next thing of note was when we passed the Port of Waterford Belview Container and Bulk Terminals. After this we proposed a small detour, to go round Little Island by the smaller Kings Channel. Brian positioned himself by the chain ferry and got some good shots of us coming through. The reason we did not stop in Waterford was that the Harbourmaster refused to answer his mobile, or get back to us when we organised the trip, a few days before. Maurice said it was probably because we were a nasty long barge and that they were full up,
something to do with overflow mooring from the Cork Regatta. We only spotted a couple of slots where we might have fitted on the extensive Town Council pontoon moorings.
On the north bank of the Suir there are many derelict wharves, that will soon be re-developed. 14:45 saw us pass under the Rice Lift Bridge in Waterford. After Waterford the
Admiralty charts finish and we resorted to the local guide, "A guide of the River Suir", published by
Carrick - On - Suir Town Council and the local boat club. At the end of the town wharves is a Guinness Brewery. Apparently this site produces Guinness Flavour Extract, the special ingredient known as the “essence of Guinness”, that gives Guinness its unique
flavour - a bit like Coca Cola syrup? :-)
Beyond here at the edge of town are some derelict ships, the most interesting being a Guinness Liffey barge. I would have thought that Guinness could buy back this hulk and restore it as a bit of their floating heritage? Once round the next bend the view back to Waterford
disappears and the remains of a railway bridge comes into view. The navigation channel has been switched to where a fixed span has been removed, as the old lifting section no longer works.
Beyond here there was a lot of bankside ground works, ready for the construction of the new N9 - N10 Kilcullen to Waterford Road. At Granny the course of the river swings to a south west direction. Granny Castle marks the start of this section known as "The Long Reach". As predicted by Maurice, there was a nasty chop set up by a wind over flood tide situation. Mount Congreve
Gardens, on the south bank of the next bend marks the end of this section.
Beyond here the river valley opens out with the Coolfin Marshes to the west. The
first of a handful of navigation buoys protects the mud flats off the marshes, the red buoy appearing yellow. Near the end of the marshes the Clodiagh River comes in from the west. This used to be navigable up to the "company" mill town of Portlaw. The next feature is the single
tower Rockett's Castle, in the grounds of a large private house.
Beyond here are a few more navigation buoys, leading up to Fiddown, here the navigation course is to the South west, round a sandbank, before Fiddown Island. At the last minute the course changes back to the
north east of Fiddown Island and the oil terminal and bridge come back into view. The reason there are any navigation markers above Waterford was for the oil traffic. This has now ceased, so the Carrick - On - Suir Boat Club will now have to maintain them.
Brian Goggin had set up another vantage point here and got some good shots off us coming through the bridge. After a couple of more bends the final straight to Carrick is
reached, there are some islands and rocky shallows to the north, so the basic course
stays close to the south bank. At the end of this straight is Ormond Castle and the ruins of a Tudor Manor. The navigation cut is again against the south bank, once round the bend towards the south west.
Once we came out of the short canal like navigation channel Carrick came into view. First we passed under the modern Dillon Bridge, then the new marina and old Bridge came into view. There was plenty of room on the smart new pontoons, so we moored up nearer the old bridge (17:35). Brian Goggin was about and contacted chief honcho, Jim Power. We could not get out as the magnetic lock was broken and the gate
securely locked up. Jim soon arrived and gave us a key and took our €15 overnight mooring fee. After a good chat with Brian and Jim, we copied all of Brian's precious pictures! In the evening we all went into town, to the Park Inn, for an excellent meal.
Ready to leave New Ross Marina, bound for Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River
We depart New Ross Three Sisters Marina, looked on by the ever helpful John
Dimond. Tidal River Barrow.
Leaving New Ross, we take up the ebb tide. Tidal River Barrow.
Brian G left us a breakfast surprise!
New Ross fades into the misty rain. Tidal River Barrow.
The Port of New Ross. Marshmeadows Oil Jetty to the left (west) and Raheen Jetty
to the right (east). Tidal River Barrow.
The Port of New Ross. Raheen Jetty. Tidal River Barrow.
Passing Stokestown House berth, Stokestown Point in the distance. Tidal River Barrow.
Stokestown Point.
Tidal River Barrow.
Halfway Point.
Tidal River Barrow.
Pilltown Quay.
Tidal River Barrow.
Fishertown Flats to left (east) and Ringville Point to right (west). Tidal River Barrow.
Looking back at Ringville Point on the left (west) and Dollar Point on the right
(east). Tidal River Barrow.
Approaching Ferry Point. Tidal River Barrow.
Approaching the railway Barrow Bridge. Great Island power station is on the
River Suir, just beyond Kilmokea Point.
Tidal River Barrow.
Brian Goggin (from Cheekpoint) catches the fist glimpse of Earnest as it
approaches Barrow Bridge.
Tidal River Barrow.
Passing under Barrow Bridge.
Tidal River Barrow.
Passing under Barrow Bridge.
Tidal River Barrow.
Passing under Barrow Bridge (Brian Goggin shot from Cheekpoint).
Tidal River Barrow.
First view of Waterford Port. Tidal River Suir.
Looking back at Barrow Bridge, Kilmokea Point and Great Island power station.
Tidal River Suir.
Earnest from Cheekpoint. Tidal River Suir.
Earnest from Cheekpoint. Tidal River Suir.
Port of Waterford Belview Terminal. Tidal River Suir.
Approaching Little Island. Tidal River Suir.
Looking back at Great Island power station. Tidal River Suir.
Port of Waterford Belview Container Terminal. Tidal River Suir.
Looking back at the Port of Waterford Belview Terminal. Tidal River Suir.
We have just taken the smaller King's Channel round Little Island. Tidal River
We have just taken the smaller King's Channel round Little Island. Tidal River
Looking back at the Port of Waterford Belview Terminal from King's Channel.
Tidal River Suir.
King's Channel. Tidal River Suir.
King's Channel. Tidal River Suir.
King's Channel. Tidal River Suir.
King's Channel. Tidal River Suir.
King's Channel. Approaching the chain ferry. Tidal River Suir.
King's Channel. Brian Goggin catches Earnest approaching the chain ferry. Tidal
River Suir.
King's Channel. We slow down to let the chain ferry pass. Tidal River Suir.
King's Channel. Earnest passing the chain ferry ramps. Tidal River Suir.
King's Channel. The chain ferry. Tidal River Suir.
We have just left the King's Channel. Tidal River Suir.
First view of Waterford. Smelting House Point to the right. Tidal River Suir.
Waterford. Mud berths in John's River. Tidal River Suir.
Waterford. Reginald's Tower, beside the Tower Hotel. Tidal River Suir.
Waterford. Rice Bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Waterford. The Frank Cassin grain wharf is about to be re-developed. Tidal River
Waterford. Rice Bridge lifting span. Tidal River Suir.
Waterford. Looking back at Rice Bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Laid up ships above Waterford. Tidal River Suir.
The last remaining Guinness Liffey barge. Waterford. Tidal River Suir.
Looking back at Waterford. Tidal River Suir.
The disused railway bridge above Waterford. A fixed span has been removed to
enable easy passage. Tidal River Suir.
The disused railway bridge above Waterford. Tidal River Suir.
The disused railway bridge above Waterford. The old lifting span. Tidal River
Looking back at the disused railway bridge. The earthworks are for a bridge for
the new N9 - N10 Kilcullen to Waterford Road. Tidal River Suir.
Granny Castle. Tidal River Suir.
Starting up the "Long Reach" from Granny to Mount Congreve. Tidal
River Suir.
As predicted by the locals, a nasty choppy sea develops on the Long Reach. Tidal
River Suir.
Looking back at Granny Castle. Tidal River Suir.
The top of the Long Reach, approaching Mount Congreve. Tidal River Suir.
Looking back from Mount Congreve. Tidal River Suir.
Mount Congreve. Tidal River Suir.
Castle ruins above Mount Congreve. Tidal River Suir.
Coolfin Marshes to the left (south). Tidal River Suir.
The entrance to the Clodiagh River, once navigable to Portlaw. Tidal River Suir.
Looking back at Coolfin Marshes to the right (south). Tidal River Suir.
Approaching Rocketts Castle. Tidal River Suir.
Rocketts Castle. Tidal River Suir.
The buoyed channel up to Fiddown. Fiddown Island in the distance. Tidal River
After rounding the sandbanks below Fiddown Island we head over to the oil
terminal. Tidal River Suir.
Fiddown Bridge and the oil terminal. Waterborne traffic to this site has just
ceased. Tidal River Suir.
Fiddown oil terminal. Tidal River Suir.
Earnest passing under Fiddown Bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Earnest just above Fiddown Bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Looking back at Fiddown Bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Brian Goggin, our intrepid waterside photographer. Tidal River Suir.
The yellow sewage pipe outfall buoy marks the start of the final channel up to
Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River Suir.
The navigation channel is to the left (south) of the islands. Tidal River Suir.
Ormond Castle, Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River Suir.
Ormond Castle, Carrick - On - Suir. The navigation cut is dead ahead of Earnest
to the left (south) of the island. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. The navigation cut. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. The navigation cut. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. The navigation cut. Tidal River Suir.
Leaving the navigation cut, we rejoin the main river Carrick - On - Suir in the
distance. Tidal River Suir.
Earnest leaving the navigation cut. Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. The modern Dillon Bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. The modern Dillon Bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. Earnest passing under Dillon Bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. The old Bridge and new marina. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. We have just arrived and are hoping Brian Goggin can effect
our escape! Tidal River Suir.
Jim Power, welcomes TNC to Carrick - On - Suir.
Excellent facilities at Carrick - On - Suir Marina. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir Marina. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir Marina. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. The River Suir above the old bridge.
Looking into Carrick - On - Suir from the old bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. The new Dillon Bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River Suir.
It is a shame Ian Clarke was not with us! Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir marina at high water. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir, Carrick Bridge at high water. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick Bridge. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. Tidal River Suir.
Carrick - On - Suir. Carrick Bridge at high water. Tidal River Suir.
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