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The Tuesday Night Club on Tour
Irish Summer Tour 2007
8 - Bestfield to Bagenalstown - River Barrow Navigation.
Thursday 28th June 2007
As Julian Edgington was leaving in Carlow, around mid day, it was a late start at 10:00. Once out of Bestfield lock, the river changes to an ex-industrial flavour, as we passed the remains of the Carlow sugar plant, that was in the last stages of being demolished. After the new road bridge there is one of the inevitable new Millennium Footbridges, then the expanse of the waterfront at Carlow. Again this is all change with blocks of new apartments. The new visitor mooring pontoons on the west bank are not yet ready, so we moored beside the rowing club, on the old Stores moorings (10:30).
During our stop Julian left, shopping was bought and Neil found a tap at the end of the rowing club and filled with water. We left at 12:15. Martin had been taking pictures of the Waterways Ireland dredger in the navigation arch of Carlow Bridge, so we were rather wary. The dredger pulled to one side and we went under the inner (eastern) arch of the
bridge. Beyond here the navigation skirts round the top of Carlow Weir, as the lock and boatstream is now is on the right hand (west) side.
There was a boat waiting in the lock to come out, so we availed ourselves of the services of William O'Neil, the local locky.
Carlow was soon left behind, as we were out on a river section. The entrance to Clogrennan Lock cut is not so obvious, as there is no weir directly beside it. Barrowline Cruisers used to be based here.
Once through Clogrennan Lock John Chapman made intermittent mobile contact with Neil and eventually it was decided he would meet us by taxi at Milford Lock. Milford is an interesting array of weirs and bridges, as you
approach from round a bend and island, you come across the single arched Milford Bridge, with weir set beside it. Once under the bridge it is a narrow lock cut. The old lifting bridge has been partially removed and replaced by a high level footbridge. The lock is just beyond.
We stopped in the chamber, in the peeing rain at 13:40. Not long after the rain stopped and the sun came out as John appeared. Off we went
again at 14:10. There was some
confusion as the "new" Barrow Guide says that the boatstream deviates from the west side and goes round the other side of Aughnabinna Island. It now does NOT and the red arrow
sign was barely visible in the trees! Having passed the island, the upstream marker arrow was not even visible when right upon it.
After passing by another couple of islands we arrived at Rathvindon Lock, this is another one with very little lock cut. The lock cottage was now privately owned and was in the last stages of being renovated. Below Rathvindon Lock the short lock cut is overshadowed by the new N9 Cardinal Moran Road Bridge.
The boatstream is now in a tight channel beside some islands, the trouble is most of the flow of the river is as
well, as the river side needs dredging. Just before Leighlinbridge (pronounced
Lock-lin) there is a new cut dredged through the islands to take the boater to the visitor moorings for the much expanded Lord Bagenal Inn. There are some visitor moorings just before and after the bridge, the navigation arch is the second from the right (west).
Beyond the bridge the boatstream changes to the left (east) side. This course is shown to be quite a switch over, but due to the amount of reeds present we took a gentler curve across to the other side.
Once passed an island there is a short weir and the navigation enters the long Rathellin Lock Cut. Once through the lock the navigation enters Bagenalstown, passing an outdoor swimming pool and
a fine old stone
warehouse before entering the lock cut. This lock cut still has a lot of flow in it and it was rather a smart pull up with the engine and centre rope to stop on the Bagenalstown visitor moorings.
Brian Goggin was in the vicinity so after a meal on board Earnest he took us by car to
"Royal Oak", just outside Bagenalstown for a pub visit, with free internet access and a trip to the mini mart, where
we emptied them of apple pies and such the like. After the pub it was back to Earnest for a nightcap, we can't imagine what time Brian got back to Limerick!
Leaving Bestfield Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Looking back at Bestfield Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Approaches to Carlow, the old sugar factory site is to the left. River Barrow
Carlow New Bridge. River Barrow Navigation.
Carlow. River Barrow Navigation.
Carlow. River Barrow Navigation.
Carlow. River Barrow Navigation.
Visitor moorings beside the rowing club / old stores building. Carlow. River Barrow Navigation.
Old dry dock. Carlow. River Barrow Navigation.
New slipway. Carlow. River Barrow Navigation.
Carlow. River Barrow Navigation.
The new visitor moorings on the east bank, yet to be finished. Carlow. River
Barrow Navigation.
Waterways Ireland dredging by Carlow Bridge. River Barrow Navigation.
Waterways Ireland dredging by Carlow Bridge. River Barrow Navigation.
Carlow. River Barrow Navigation.
Waterways Ireland dredging by Carlow Bridge, we pick our way through. River
Barrow Navigation.
Looking back at Carlow Bridge. River Barrow Navigation.
Carlow weir. River Barrow Navigation.
Carlow Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Carlow Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Looking back at Carlow Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
The track is now to the right (west), entering Clogrennan Lock Cut. River Barrow
Clogrennan Lock Cut. River Barrow Navigation.
Clogrennan Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Entering Milford Lock Cut, under Milford Bridge. River Barrow Navigation.
Milford Lock Cut, the old lift bridge, now a fixed foot bridge. River Barrow
Milford Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Looking back at Milford Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Trees obscure the arrow pointing to the track, rather confusing as in the Barrow
Guide the navigation is shown the other side of the Augnabinna Island! River
Barrow Navigation.
Looking back at Augnabinna Island, the arrow is completely obscured! River
Barrow Navigation.
Rathvindon Weir and Lock Cut. River Barrow Navigation.
Rathvindon Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Rathvindon Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Looking back at Rathvindon Lock and the N9 Cardinal Moran Bridge. River Barrow
The much expanded Lord Bagenal Inn at Leighlinbridge. River Barrow Navigation.
The Lord Bagenal Inn and marina at Leighlinbridge. River Barrow Navigation.
Leighlinbridge. River Barrow Navigation.
Leighlinbridge. River Barrow Navigation.
Looking back at Leighlinbridge. River Barrow Navigation.
Entering Rathellin Lock Cut. River Barrow Navigation.
Entering Rathellin Lock Cut. River Barrow Navigation.
Rathellin Lock Cut. River Barrow Navigation.
First bridge, Rathellin Lock Cut. River Barrow Navigation.
Rathellin Lock Cut. River Barrow Navigation.
Second Bridge, Rathellin Lock Cut. River Barrow Navigation.
Rathellin Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Rathellin Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Rathellin Lock lower landing. River Barrow Navigation.
Looking back at Rathellin Lock. River Barrow Navigation.
Entering Bagenalstown. River Barrow Navigation.
Bagenalstown. River Barrow Navigation.
Bagenalstown. River Barrow Navigation.
Bagenalstown. River Barrow Navigation.
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