The Tuesday Night Club Official Web Site

The Tuesday Night Club on Tour


Irish Summer Tour 2007


5 - Cornalour to Cavemount - Grand Canal.

Monday 25th June 2007

09:35 start. We stopped 12:30 - 13:50 for a shop in Tullamore. We chose to try out the Harbour arm moorings, having been told there was a water point in the far corner at the Waterways Ireland depot. Ian and Martin did the shopping, while Neil tried to get water. It was too windy to nose into the other moored craft to find the water point, but the wind was used to "wind" the boat using centre and bow lines. The harbour is just wide enough to wind a 60ft boat...which is what you would expect!
Further up the canal we were surprised to find that there was only one ex-Celtic hire cruiser outside their moribund base, some more must have been sold off. At 19:15 we came out of Lock No 21 onto the Long Pound and arrived at Daingean (17:20) to await the arrival of Julian Edgington, who was homing in on us by taxi. After a shop (mainly for beer!) and a water fill-up on the pathetic "push" tap water point we headed off into the bogs for a peaceful night. We made the other side of the Bord Na Mona Cavemount lift bridge (20:15), which was in its correct "up" position. We had an Ian Clarke meal on the move, before arrival.

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Ballycowan Castle. Grand Canal, Shannon Line.

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Tullamore Basin / Harbour. Grand Canal, Shannon Line.

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Tullamore Basin / Harbour. The Waterways Ireland central workshops are beyond this. Grand Canal, Shannon Line.

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Tullamore Basin / Harbour. Grand Canal, Shannon Line.

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Tullamore Basin / Harbour. Grand Canal, Shannon Line.

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Lock No 24. Grand Canal, Shannon Line.

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Daingean. Grand Canal, Shannon Line.

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Overnight mooring above the Bord Na Mona lifting railway bridge at Croghan / Cavemount. Grand Canal, Shannon Line.

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Bord Na Mona lifting railway bridge at Croghan / Cavemount. Grand Canal, Shannon Line.

The Tour Continues...

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