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The Tuesday Night Club on Tour
Irish Summer Tour 2007
23 - Banagher to Clonmacnoise - River Shannon Navigation, inc Stub of Ballinasloe Canal and River Suck to Ballinasloe.
Friday 13th July 2007
The morning departure from Banagher was at 08:10. At the junction with Shannon Harbour we decided to investigate the derelict Ballinasloe Canal opposite (08:55). A large barge was moored to an old pontoon, just outside the entrance to the derelict Fanning Lock chamber, the entrance lock to the canal, set back up a short entrance canal. We therefore thought that the water must be fairly deep. Earnest crept up and managed to squeeze past the barge and into the chamber, planting the bow fender on the cill.
Martin kept Earnest in gear and Neil managed to get the gang plank from the cratch board to the top of the cill and get onto land. The bottom gates were balance beamless, but still pretty intact, not bad for a navigation abandoned in the late 1950's. The top gates were also still there, the remains stuck in the shuts, again without beams. The lock chamber was in perfect condition, the top stones had the large words "Fanning Lock" neatly carved into them. The canal bed beyond was dry and overgrown and the remains of the lock cottage was gradually going back to nature.
The canal further up has
completely disappeared under peat workings, so instead of restoring the canal route, the navigation has been rebuilt, where it first was, using the River Suck. After being observed by the bargees, we managed a neat reverse back out of the cut and back into the Shannon at 09:20, bound for the River Suck Navigation and the "new" way to Ballinasloe. Just by the downstream entrance to the cut were the rotting timbers of some of the supports for the wooden horse bridge, that used to cross over from the Grand Canal.
After an hour and a half slog up the Shannon, we came to the junction with the River Suck, this is just passed the Bord Na Mona railway bridge, the Shannonbridge power station and Borannagh Island. A hire cruiser that had been shadowing us also turned up the River Suck. At this point the inevitable rain started, that stayed with us for most of the day. After a few bends the Bord Na Mona railway bridge was passed. The hire cruiser turned round at this point either he did not fancy the
air draught, or had taken a wrong turn!
Next came a longish reach, with markers protecting a rocky area, followed by Coreen Ford. Here the navigation arcs round a small island. It as
pretty fast flowing here and probably would have benefited from another lock at this location. After another half a mile the river changes from a westerly to a north westerly direction and begins to meander. Many more navigation markers appear around the Ardcam Islands area. Again there were a few locations where the flow was quite great. At one point, we hung back for a large cruiser to go downstream round a particularly wiggly bit.
The rapids ahead indicated the
presence of Pollboy Lock, it was not until you were nearly upon them that the channel and lock cut appeared, off to the left. The Lock was waiting ready for us and the friendly lock keeper gave us some literature about the town, saying that there were some other barges in the harbour and that there was to be a fireworks display that night.
After the lock there was a strange bit of river, the weir stream side, stayed separated for a good while, by a reedy section in the middle. The new marina and restaurant was the next thing passed on the right hand side (north). Just beyond here the town came into view and the line of the old Ballinasloe Canal could be seen on the south bank, an old pipe bridge still crossing the course. Again there was a well markered, but sudden surprise, when we came to the East Bridge, the new course into the new harbour going off
abruptly to the left.
The pontoons could now be seen, we spun round and ended up facing the exit, on the long pontoon to the south (13:15). After an investigation of the town, Trevor departed, we then finished our water top up and left at 14:50. A somewhat quicker passage back down the Suck, getting to Shannonbridge at 17:00. There were no moorings left and we had food for the evening meal, so ploughed on to Clonmacnoise.
Although it was a bit windy, we managed to get on the inner long pontoon, the only boat there (18:05). A Neil
mega curry, with a bottle of good Shiraz, followed by the inevitable "Granny
Fahy's clone" apple pie soon followed, with an evening stroll among the ruins.
We go up the stub of the old Ballinasloe Canal to the derelict Fanning Lock.
Shannon Navigation.
Ballinasloe Canal, derelict Fanning Lock. Shannon Navigation.
Ballinasloe Canal, derelict Fanning Lock. Shannon Navigation.
Ballinasloe Canal, derelict Fanning Lock. Shannon Navigation.
Ballinasloe Canal, derelict Fanning Lock. Shannon Navigation.
Ballinasloe Canal, derelict Fanning Lock. Shannon Navigation.
Ballinasloe Canal, derelict Fanning Lock cottage. Shannon Navigation.
Ballinasloe Canal, the remains of the horse bridge, or the later horse ferry
dock over the Shannon Navigation.
The new way to Ballinasloe, the River Suck Navigation. Shannon Navigation.
Looking back at the Shannon and Shannonbridge power station. River Suck
Bord Na Mona railway bridge. River Suck Navigation.
Peter Wright and Trevor Burridge, wet but apparently happy! River Suck
River Suck Navigation. Coreen Ford.
River Suck Navigation. Coreen Ford.
River Suck Navigation. Coreen Ford.
Ardcam Islands. River Suck Navigation.
Ardcam Islands. River Suck Navigation.
Ardcam Islands. River Suck Navigation.
Ardcam Islands. River Suck Navigation.
River Suck Navigation. Pollboy Lock Cut goes off to the left, just before the
River Suck Navigation. Pollboy Lock Cut goes off to the left, just before the
River Suck Navigation. Pollboy Lock Cut.
River Suck Navigation. Pollboy Lock.
River Suck Navigation. Pollboy Lock cabin.
River Suck Navigation. Pollboy Lock.
River Suck Navigation. Pollboy Lock.
River Suck Navigation. Looking back at Pollboy Lock cut and the weir stream to
the left.
River Suck Navigation. The new restaurant and marina before the town.
River Suck Navigation. The old canal line is just to the left (south).
River Suck Navigation. Pipe bridge over the canal line, just to the left
Ballinasloe comes into view. River Suck Navigation.
River Suck Navigation. The navigation leaves the river at this point and heads
to the basin on the left.
River Suck Navigation goes off to the left, the River Suck comes in under the
Looking back down the River Suck Navigation.
Ballinasloe Basin. River Suck Navigation.
Ballinasloe Basin. River Suck Navigation.
Back to Pollboy Lock. River Suck Navigation.
Exiting Pollboy Lock we enter the weir stream. River Suck Navigation.
Exiting the River Suck Navigation. We head up the Shannon to Clonmacnoise.
Clonmacnoise visitor moorings, Shannon Navigation.
Clonmacnoise visitor moorings, Shannon Navigation.
The classic TNC rice draining method! Clonmacnoise visitor moorings, Shannon
Clonmacnoise visitor moorings from the castle hill.
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